Showing all 57 results
30 pieces of 1sq.ft
Bail Bond Clear No Day 2 ft.
12 adjustable ring
12 adjustable rings
Black Opal GOLD Iridescent 2mm. COE 90, 8.5″ x 10″
Black Opal SILVER Iridescent 3mm. COE 90, 11.5″ x 10″
White Opal Iridescent COE 90 11.5″ x 10″
Mink Opal coe 90, 10″ x 11.5″
Pimento Red Striker Opal COE 90, 10″ x 11.5″
Light Olive Transparent COE 90, 10″ x 11.5″
Carmelian Stiker Transparent COE 90, 10″ x 11.5″
Clear, French Vanilla Opal COE 90, 10″ x 11.5″
White & Green Opal COE 90, 10″ x 11.5″
Azure, Jade, Lavender Transparent, COE90, 10″ x 11.5″
Pink/Plum/White with Black Streamers, 10″ x 11.5″
925 Silver
Max Splash Shield
Decal Magic Zebra Gold
Decal Magic Zebra Platinum
Decal Magic Fiber Black
Decal Magic Leopard Gold
Decal Magic Seeds Black
Decal Magic Seeds Platinum
Decal Magic Lines Platinum
Decal Magic Cheesecloth Platinum
Decal Magic Characters Black
Decal Magic Characters Gold
Decal Magic Leopard Noir
Decal Magic Net Platinum
Decal Magic Lines Gold
Decal Magic Lace reverse Platinum
Decal Magic Cheesecloth Gold
Decal Magic Net Gold
Dichroic Paper Mint on Black 4 x 4
Glass Fringe Roses 4″ height
6 feet long
Round Rim Plate
Banner Plate Mold 11.5¨sq.
Complete Kit for Beadmaking with many extra tools
Hair Pin JA 04
Noodle Clear Dichroic Tube
1 Noodle Clear Dichroic
1 Noodle Black Dichroic
Noodle Black Dichroic 3oz. Tube
Noodle Mix Colors Uro. 5oz. Tube COE 90
Red Orange Opal COE 96
Dark Orange/Red Transparent
Crystal Opal COE 96
Easter Green Opal COE 96
Sky Blue Cath. COE 96
Clear/White/Olive/Moss Green COE 96
Blue & Red COE 96
Oil Lamp
Ant. Brass Square Fixture
Ant. Brass Square Wall Fixture